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Welcome to the Webquest on sectionalist conflicts that arose during the 1850s in the United States of America.


This webquest is a self-guided tour, which will explore the conflicts of the 1850s that drove the North and the South further apart in regard to the issue of slavery and its place in the United States.


To get started, click on the Introduction link. As you work through each page, you will find a link that will take you to the next page until you reach the conclusion. Please be sure to read all information on each of the pages carefully and thoughtfully.

The following are some suggestions that may help you be successful.


1. Be objective. Try to keep emotion and value judgments out of the decision and recommendation process.

2. Carefully consider all of the information and resources.

3. Do not let history influence your recommendation.



Necessary Materials:


Webquest instructions


Webquest Planning sheet

Helpful Hints For Success!

Helpful Map


Please click on the map for an enlarged version.

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